{"id":"crsv-i52z8vnqekc","object":"chat.completion","created":1728399621,"choices":[{"message":{"role":"assistant","content":{"text":"The content of the PDF is not provided, so a summary cannot be generated."}}}]}
The Tela SDKs allows you to easily process files, such as PDFs, by creating a completion. Below is an example of processing a PDF document and receiving a file summary.
import{ createTelaClient }from'@meistrari/tela-sdk-js'importtype{ TelaFile }from'@meistrari/tela-sdk-js'const tela =createTelaClient({ apiKey: process.env.TELA_API_KEY,})const completion =await tela.completions.create<{ document: TelaFile },{ fileSummary:string}>({ canvasId: process.env.TELA_CANVAS_ID, variables:{ document: tela.createFile('https://www.wmaccess.com/downloads/sample-invoice.pdf'),// It is possible to pass a URL, Buffer, Blob, etc.},})
The Tela SDKs provides a stream option, which allows you to consume the stream of the completion. Below is an example of consuming a stream of the completion.
The Tela SDKs provides a webhookUrl option, which allows you to receive a webhook when the completion is finished. Below is an example of receiving a webhook when the completion is finished.
{"id":"crsv-i52z8vnqekc","object":"chat.completion","created":1728399621,"choices":[{"message":{"role":"assistant","content":{"text":"The content of the PDF is not provided, so a summary cannot be generated."}}}]}